Academic Standing

Academic Standing Description
GOOD Student is not on academic warning or probation; is maintaining satisfactory academic progress.
WARNING Student’s most recent academic performance has been unsatisfactory or the overall average is below the minimum requirement. Academic warning is a subcategory of good academic standing, differing only in the maximum allowable schedule load.
PROBATION Student’s most recent academic performance has been extremely unsatisfactory or the term average has continued to be unsatisfactory or the overall academic average has continued to be below the minimum requirement.
REVIEW Student who normally would be dropped from the rolls due to academic deficiencies but appears from the record not to have completed the term. Student cannot be enrolled on Review status and should contact their major school for further information.
DROP/DISMISSAL Student has been dropped from the rolls due to academic deficiencies. Student may apply for readmission after an absence of one term unless this is second Drop/Dismissal. Students on Drop should seek advisement from their major school regarding future re-admission.

GPA Requirements

Class Standing Required GPA
Freshman or JEPHS 1.70
Sophomore 1.80
Junior 1.95
Senior or Special Undergraduate 2.00
Masters or Special Graduate 2.70

Maximum Hours (

The maximum number of credit hours for which an undergraduate student may register in fall or spring semester, based on his or her academic standing, is as follows:

Good 21 semester hours
Warning 16 semester hours
Probation 14 semester hours

The maximum number of credit hours for which an undergraduate student may register in a normal summer term, based on his or her academic standing, is as follows:

Good 16 semester hours
Warning 14 semester hours
Probation 12 semester hours

Requests for schedule overloads must be recommended by the student’s major school and approved by the Institute Undergraduate Curriculum Committee, by the petition process.

Academic Drop/Dismissal

Students who are academically dropped or dismissed will be notified by the academic advisor with instructions about readmission if the student is eligible to apply.  Students who have been dropped more than once will not be contacted by an advisor because they are not eligible for readmission.